Guastamacchia S.p.A.1 is based in Ruvo di Puglia, near Bari, Italy. It was started in 1968 as individual company and in 1984 it became a joint stock company. In 1996 Guastamacchia S.p.A. implemented the Quality System according to the UNI EN ISO 9001 norm.
Guastamacchia is mainly specialised in designing and building thermic energy systems, electricity systems, air and water treatment systems and fire prevention systems.
In the past 20 years, the company has also worked for public and private construction companies.
At the moment Guastamacchia has 120 employees who work in the fields of engineering, designing, project managing, quality control, administration, sales, assembling, building and servicing. In this respect, the company has a Service Centre and a Help Line to ensure the best servicing.
The company diversified its market and also specialised in air treatment for hospital buildings, especially for surgery areas, and in sea water energy producing systems.
In recent years, the company has focused to the construction of large photovoltaic plants and wind farms (for public purchasers and / or private) and their HV/MV electric substation.
Finally, the perfect synergy among our building yard units, our engineering department and our completely computerised supply department constitutes our biggest asset: it allows the company to be considered among the best in its field on the national scene.
In order to guarantee fast and concrete solutions, Guastamacchia has adopted a turn-key policy, that is to say its finished products are ready to use.
Eng. Gioacchino Guastamacchia
Unique director
1 S.p.A.= Joint stock company (JSC)